Sunday 19 January 2014




上司刚请了2为男士来帮我。 他们都有几年的工作经验,之前都是在oil &gas 领域工作,脾气和性格还不错,都是那种很听话的下属,交代的工作,都会去完成。只是或许之前都在GLC工作的关系,他们有那种10点喝茶、午饭休息2个小时、三点又喝茶的懒散作息,这和我们这种跨国机构的作风完全不一样、也和我工作起来就不吃不睡的习惯相差太远了。在加上我也发现他们办事的速度慢,一些简单的审查工作我只需花费15-30分钟, 而他却要用上超过2个小时来完成,甚至叫出来的成绩也不整齐,我还的做最后的修补(touch up)。 ( 虽然之前的上司常交代我不可以拿我的速度和他人比较,我也承认是有不能接受瑕疵的工作洁癖问题)。

这几天就很懊恼的回想这2件事情。 对下属的要求是根据上司的能力来评估,到底正确吗? 那下属基本是有了基本条件,只是不幸的遇上我这种‘龟毛’的上司, 对他们有所要求。如果就因为他们达不到我额外的要求而辞退他们,好像也不太公平。



Anonymous said...

Few principles I observed when I deal with subordinates / Colleague (including client's context), hope this will help:
1) If an employee is not discipline during probation period, don't expect they will observe the rules after confirmation. Don't tolerate with in-discipline staff after you have communicate your requirements with them (don't consider to give extension of probation).
2) Tell them your requirements and expectation clearly. We should couch and be patient during their learning curve. However, they also have a responsible role to play in responding to instruction and making afford to improve. Feedback loop is crucial.
3) Attitude, ability to learn and knowledge are vital in determine staff competency. Don't look at qualification and experience only! A person can gain experience and knowledge throughout their career path, however attitude, personal attributes and ability to learn will not change!

墮天使 - 祥 said...
